From Leaf to Sip
No greater love story was ever brewed
From handpicking the choicest leaves to its withering and rolling; from blowing it cold and hot for that tangy personality,
until we separate the finest for you – Ceylon Tea is a labour of love.

Love at first pluck
The chosen leaves
The first secret is in the art of plucking. To ensure the excellence of the final product, skilled hands aided by trained eyes pluck only unopened buds accompanied by two leaves sprouting from the springs of each tea bush.

Preparing for the long run
The withering
These chosen leaves are then brought in baskets to the factory and placed on troughs to dry and wither, just as wine is deposited in casks to mature until perfection. Air is circulated to decrease their moisture content to optimum levels to enhance their aromatic appeal and flavour.

Finding the heart of the flavour
The rolling
Once the withering process is finally through and done, the withered leaves enter the third stage. It’s called rolling. They are fed to rolling machines to break their stubborn cell structures of resistance, to open their hearts and seduce them to release the natural essence contained within.

Things are heating up
Blow cold, blow hot
Next, they must go through fermentation, the process of oxidation; exposed to air which will brown them to a perfect tan. Then after being blown cold they must be blown hot. They must go through the furnace of fire, pass through a chamber of hot air, and emerge with the mettle of their flavour tried, tested and proven. It’s this that will set them apart.
Let the ceremony begin
The final preparation
The tea is still not ready for your cup.
The tea is now placed on a vibrating mesh and sorted according to size and grades, before they are weighed and packed separately to be presented to the world as the pride of Ceylon Tea: the enchantment that will fill your cup.
A Life of Tea
Perfection is passion at work
Sri Lanka does not rest on her tea leaves. She has not taken and does not take, her supreme good fortune for granted but strives to ensure her tea’s excellence is not only presently maintained but enhanced by ensuring its effort is not despoiled by pollution, corruption or short-sightedness – environmentally or socially.
If not now
The tea industry has continuously been adapting and changing to cope with turbulent political, socio-economic climates. Sri Lanka’s tea industry has invested heavily in sustainability and global best practices. Owing to its alliances with international conservation bodies and hundreds of individual initiatives being practiced on estates and smallholder farms, Ceylon Tea has earned a reputation as a brand above commerce.